PDPA Gap Assessment

Your Global Gap Analysis and Remediation Service
VinarcoPDPA Gap Assessment provides a snapshot of the overall/current story of the organization’s PDPA compliance status. Our assessment accurately identifies objective gaps in the organization by function/role, and try to expose weaknesses in order to quickly plan for remediation actions.
Using 8 core assessment principles, our team of consultants will benchmark your organization’s compliance status with industry compliance standards which will be presented in a dynamic dashboard upon final presentation of PDPA gaps and recommended remediation actions

8 Core PDPA Gap Assessment Principles:

Policy and Procedure Management

How does your organization define, document, communicate your privacy policies and processes

Use, Retention and Disposal

Is your organization using only for purpose given consent for, and period of data retention

Internal & External Notices

How does your organization notify data subjects about your privacy policies and procedures.

Data Access Rights

How does your organization provide, manage, and process access to data subjects.

Choices and Consent

How do you outline the choices available to the data subjects about the data they disclose

Third-party Disclosures

Is there any disclosures given out to third parties who are receiving personal data

Collection & Quality of Data

How does your organization manage the collection of personal data ensuring that t is only used inline with purposes

Security & Enforcement

How does your organization protect personal data collected

VinarcoPDPA Gap Assessment – Details

Our PDPA Gap Assessment will be completed within 12-15 working days. The first 2-3 days will be focused on dataflow discovery and interview of representatives from each department in the organization to complete our questionnaire. Our consultants will then compile and analyze data collected to form a complete PDPA Gap Assessment Report/Dashboard with recommended remediation steps to be presented at the end of the project to ensure that your organization has a clear path to full PDPA compliance

PDPA Gap Analysis & Remediation Flow



Our consultants go into your organization to collect information and learn about processes



Using information collected, we analyses gaps against industry benchmarks



Upon completion of dataflow analysis, a full dashboard and report will be presented



Fully pinpoint key gaps and suggested ways to reach full PDPA compliance

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